Teachers as leaders

The key to achieving school improvement goals is to ensure high quality, job-embedded professional learning aligned to school improvement priorities. In this module, participants will create a professional development plan aligned to English learner-centered SMART goals and aligned action plans. Participants will also learn how to initiate a teacher led improvement journey by empowering teachers to work in professional development project teams.

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The collective knowledge of teachers is a force beyond measure!

To best support our students' academic achievement, we must

empower our teachers to be instructional leaders for all students

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In this course, you will:

· understand the impact of establishing a teacher led school improvement journey to support school wide English Language Development;

· develop a professional development plan aligned to SMART goals and aligned action plans;

· create a project charter to organize teachers into project teams that develop high quality professional development aligned to school improvement priorities;

· explore a backward design approach to identifying professional development outcomes to support SMART goals and action plans; and

· use feedback on professional learning sessions to support continuous improvement efforts.

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the leadership pathway

This course is part of the Leadership Pathway which includes:

Leading in High Impact English Learner Enrollment Schools

Setting and Monitoring English Learner Centered Goals

Estbalishing a Culture of Teacher Led Professional Learning

Enroll in the complete Pathway and save!

Introducing Dr. Karen Woodson

Dr. Woodson is a retired Principal of a high-English learner enrollment Title 1 elementary school. A veteran in public education with over 35 years of service as a teacher, instructional specialist and district wide English Learner Program Director, Dr. Woodson focuses on creating equitable conditions for English learners in schools, English learner centered school improvement strategies, and Baldrige guided strategic planning. Dr. Woodson is the founder of Leading for School Improvement.

Savanna Flakes



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Thinking Verb Placemats

Consistent academic language and visuals
[[3000 | currency]]

Leading in high English learner enrollment schools: A course in English learner centered school improvement

[[9500 | currency]]

Online language and literacy development for English learners

Best practices for teaching English learners in a distance learning environment
[[9500 | currency]]

Setting and Monitoring English Learner Centered Goals

[[9500 | currency]]

Spark Planner

Utilize this guide as your resource for quick recall of your most important pieces for planning accessible content lessons for your English learners.
[[1400 | currency]]

Part 1 - Immigrant Family and Community Engagement in Schools

[[9500 | currency]]

Scaffolding Learning for Secondary English Learners

[[9500 | currency]]

Thinking Verbs - English posters

[[4500 | currency]]

Thinking Verbs - Spanish posters

[[4500 | currency]]

Understanding the Immigration Legal System

[[9500 | currency]]

Understanding the Backgrounds of Refugee Students & Families

[[9500 | currency]]

Trauma Informed Teaching + Social Emotional Learning

[[9500 | currency]]

Supporting Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth in U.S. Schools

[[9500 | currency]]

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