The Secondary Learner Pathway includes:
Creating Conditions for Secondary Mulitlingual Learners to Thrive with Tan Huynh
Multilingual learners can learn grade-level content if the instruction is intentionally scaffolded with language in mind. Highly successful content teachers have been using sheltered instruction as a framework for scaffolding learning for MLs for decades now. If you believe that MLs are capable of academic success, then this course will add proven strategies to back your commitment.
Academic Discourse in the Secondary Content Areas with Kelly Reider
Students must use the language to learn the language. Students musst also process, discuss, justify, and explain the academic content of each course in order to truly understand the concepts. This merge of language and content allows for HUGE return on investment. In this course, you will gain ideas for structuring quality academic discourse in any context. Practice different discourse protocols and explore how to be more targeted and explicit in your planning.
Secondary Early Literacy with Kelly Reider
Secondary English learners often enter the classroom at the beginning literacy stages. This can be intimidating to both the student and the teachers. In this course, you will explore strategies for developing literacy skills and confidence in a time efficient manner. By integrating literacy and content, you can make the most of your time with students and make literacy interesting and relevant.